
Affichage des articles du 2015

Blog Closing

Dear students and followers, I want to thank you all for your interest, your kind messages and the wonderful time we spent together as I’m leaving the Institute of Translation this year. I hope that you enjoyed learning with me as much as I enjoyed teaching you. I also hope this experience brought you the necessary tools to improve your translation qualifications and to succeed in your academic and professional career. I want to congratulate all the students who had their Master degree this year and those who brilliantly made it to M2. I wish you all more success and a bright future. I would like to thank some students in particular, for their kindness and support: My first and memorable students Ibrahim and El-Aarbi for their constant support, Group 7 and 11 (2011/2012), the best groups I ever had, especially Amina, Djouhar, Achouaq, Fairouz, Hafssa, Imene and Weid Salmi. My German and Spanish groups’ students: Maya, Ibrahim, Nesrine, Ibtissem, Nesrine Serrir, Aic


Dear students, I remind you that this blog is subject to copyright and that all articles published in my name are excerpted from my academic works. Therefore, using my articles without mentioning the proper references is considered as a punishable copyright violation. Do not forget to mention the references please and remember that some people work hard to give you access to information, so do not reward good deeds with bad ones. As the proverb says: forewarned is forearmed. Thank you and best of luck! أعزّائي الطّلبة أذكّركم بأنّ هذه المدوّنة تخضع لحقوق التّأليف و أنّ كلّ المقالات المنشورة باسمي عليها هي مقالاتٌ مقتطفةٌ من أعمالي الجامعيّة، و عليه فإنّ أيّ استشهادٍ لما جاء فيها من دون ذكر المرجع الإلكتروني يُعتبر سرقةً أدبيّةً يعاقب عليها الطّالب عند عرضه لمذكرّته، فلا تنسوا ذكر المراجع من فضلكم، و التزموا الأمانة العلميّة في كتابتكم، و تذكّروا أنّ غيركم يشقى و يتعب في سبيل نشر العلم، فلا تُقابلوا الحسنة بالسّيئة. و كما يقول المثل   « قد أعذر من أنذر   ».

علم الترجمة

محتوى هذه المادة يعتمد على دروس الآساتذة عيسي العياشي و بلعابد عبد الحق

محتوى مادة علم الترجمة



Veuillez faire circuler ce message Un cas de tuberculose a été diagnostiqué chez une étudiante du groupe 3 Master français-arabe. De ce fait, l'ensemble des étudiants ainsi que les enseignants de ce groupe sont priés de se présenter dans les plus bref délais à l'administration afin d'être orienté vers le médecin qui a signalé ce cas pour subir les examens médicaux nécessaires.  

Note to Group 4 Students

Dear students,  The "Theories and Approaches of Translation" module exam will be on Thursday, February 26th 2015, from 11:00 to 12:30 am, Salle 10.  This exam WILL NOT be redone for absents, whatever the reason.  Good luck. 

Note to Group 7 Students

Dear students,  The "continuous assessment" exam will be on Thursday, February 19th 2015, from 9:30 to 11:00 am, Salle 10.  This exam WILL NOT be redone for absents, whatever the reason.  Good luck. 

Note to Group 7 Students

Dear students, I hope that the ones who attended yesterday's freezy session are alright. I apologise for such miserable conditions and I hope that the future will bring us "warmer" sessions. Thank you for your attendance and your appreciated efforts. 

نظريات الترجمة و مقارباتها



Dr Giuseppina Scotto di Carlo, New Trends in Popularisation: Linguistic and Communicative strategies in TED Talks. Popularisation “is a social process consisting of a large class of discursive-semiotic practices […] aiming to communicate lay versions of scientific knowledge”. (Calsamiglia & van Dijk 2004: 371).  This means that science popularisation allows everyone to understand scientific knowledge. In the past, there was a clear-cut distinction between scientific and popularised texts. According to this perspective, science is built on a hermetic language that needs to be “translated‟ from the science world to a popularised context. The audience was seen as an ignorant mass on which the scientific community has the power to decide what has to be known and what not. Only during the last decade, studies on professional-lay interaction have focussed more on mass media, which constitute a triangular communication space, a “meeting point‟ between scientists, the publ

The Theory and Practice of Translation - Eugene Nida & Charles Taber


Advanced Issues in Arabic-English Translation Studies - Mohammed Farghal


مرشد المترجم - محمد عناني

تحميل الكتاب

Basic Concepts in Translation Studies - مفاهيم أساسيّة في علم التّرجمة

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Academic and Professional Translation

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محتوى مادة نظريات الترجمة و مقارباتها

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Methodology of Translation

Click to enlarge