
Affichage des articles du 2016

نصائح لكتابةٍ عربيّةٍ أفصح

يقدّم هذا المقال العديد من النّصائح والإرشادات القيّمة الّتي تفيد الطّلبة في كتابة مذكّراتهم على وجه الخصوص، واتّباع أسلوب الكتابة السّليم عامّةً فيما يتعلّق باللّغة العربيّة. أتمنى لكم قراءةً مُمتعةً.   رابط المقال

Easy Tips to Find a Topic for a Research Paper

The first thing you have to keep in mind is that you are not asked to write a PhD thesis. The aim of the Master research paper is to evaluate the student ability to use what he learned during the three semesters and his competences in writing and analyzing. Thus, your topic must be as clear and specified as possible, your arguments well exposed and your examples very relevant.  Don’t look for very complex topics especially if you don’t master them. Remember that you only have few weeks to finish your research paper and that the most important is how you deal with the subject, not the subject itself.  The followings are some very easy tips that can help you to find a topic or inspire you to find one: 1. The easiest way is to start with an existing bilingual corpus. The best one is the dictionary. Take a good dictionary, for example Oxfor English-Arabic Dictionary and look for expressions. Put them into categories. For example: expressions about animals, part of t

مقاربة اللسانيات التطبيقية - نموذج كاتفورد
