Fictional Books in Literature

Many thanks to Mr. Fawzi Bouzian who made the effort of finding two of the three books we talked about last time. 

The first one was indeed Al-Azif (العزيف) also known as The Necronomicon, which is a fictional grimoire that was first mentioned in the short story of horror writer H.P. Lovecraft entitled The Hound in 1924. Thus, "Al-azif" means the sound of demons and jinn.   

The second book was Avalon Landing, mentioned in the American drama film Finding Forrester in 2000. The film depicts the story of a friendship between a teenager and a writer, William Forrester (Sean Connery), who wrote the novel of the century (Avalon Landing). "Avalon" is the name of a legendary isle (a paradise) in which King Arthur is supposed to rest. 

The third book was a difficult one to find. It was a book mentioned in the story of American author Edgar Allan Poe called The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade (1850). The title of this strange book was Tellmenow Isitsoornot, which is just a sentence expressing the content of the book. 
